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Old 11-19-2021, 11:13 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Midnapore and Chaparral were iced over yesterday.

Sundance is about half iced over. Should be fully frozen in the next two days I expect unless we get some serious winds.

We have about a half inch along shore.

Looking forward to getting some folks out for some great perch fishing.

I recommend getting one of these rods.

A marmish rod with this works also

These are good perch hooks

Need 4 lb test for perch. 6 pound if you are not good at fighting big trout up a hole on light line.

Ice won’t open till it’s safe. Likely after Christmas.

A good long cold snap with no snow could change it.
I’ve had a bunch of PMs about coming perch fishing.

Firstly… lake still closed. I will post when it opens. We have an active safety program because the lake is heavily used. It’s a private lake with rules Perch is unlimited retention. Taking home 200 is not unusual. Expectations based upon the last 12 months is catching perch from 3-12 inch and averaging 7-9 inch. Boneless filleting and perch taco dinners seem the most popular.

Secondly… the answer to what I prefer for hear to be most successful is noted in this post. Ultralight rods and light line is critical for perch. Bites are so light that even a sensitive spring may not see a bite. While a bobber can work…if cold then bobber freezes into the ice. We’ve seen the perch bite and chew the hook on camera and the spring tip not even move. So to maximize your catch… you have to have a spring tip either built into the rod or an after market add on or a do it yourself epoxy job. I’ve seen some people make a loop in 80 or 100 lb test mono and epoxy it to the end of the rod and some coloured epoxy on the end to see the loop.

Thirdly… bait for me is catch a perch with a fly… then use eyeballs all day. A little sliver of perch skin works as well. Alternatively using maggots to catch the perch then use maggots and/or eyeballs.

Fourthly.. I’ve lost count of how many people I’ve brought out fishing. People always ask what they should bring me. I just need some nice company and smiling anglers. As past folks know… I love seeing kids catching perch. That all said…. I have yet to turn down donuts (sprinkle and choc dip) and Timbits and venison pepperoni and jerky lol. But ya. Don’t feel guilty if you bring nothing. I don’t drink coffee.

Fifthly… fishing can be last minute planned and if I’m going I can take a few guests. When I announce the lake is open, send me a PM with when you can fish and your cell number for texting. If someone needs to plan a visit in advance we can address it. If it is super cold… getting out is tougher. If you have a propane heater and six man tent… it becomes easier.

Sixthly… what to bring. Appropriate gear. I’ve literally had someone come ice fishing with 2 full sized Hali rods complete with 80lb braid. Hence the recommended gear. I’ve had a few broken rods from guests and they didn’t offer to replace them. I’ve had someone come dressed in sneakers and a light winter jacket when I had a parka and -100 boots and balaclava. If you have a tent that works. Propane heater is ok. Hand or electric augers only allowed. Only one rod fishing per person. A tip up isn’t useful for perch. I release all trout. Trout can’t be kept out of the water as cold can damage gills. I won’t stop someone from a quick trout photo. Bring hooks that work and a few if you are not good at hand lining large trout. We have rainbows to 24 inch, browns to 30 inch, brooks to 18 inch and perch to 12 inch. You will know immediately if it’s not a perch. If you have little kids I recommend the standard snacks and drinks and a few rewards like a toy for catching a fish if they are very young. Skates and toboggan with helmet is great to break up fishing. Kids that are forced to fish and are bored… will be turned off.

Lastly. There are washrooms nearby. No business allowed on the ice. I’ve had someone drop trousers and urinate facing the lake homes. While somewhat funny… I swim in the lake so ya. Not allowed. Also there is no smoking or vaping allowed in the park including on the ice. Take all garbage home.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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