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Old 12-02-2021, 09:19 PM
North40Rules North40Rules is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Living On A Lake
Posts: 534

Originally Posted by Twisted Canuck View Post
It isn't about picking on the new guy. Several of us have politely (I thought) pointed out your error. You could take that correction and educate yourself, and be more knowledgeable as a firearms owner. Instead, you doubled down, and proudly declared you don't care that you are ignorant.

And that is a problem when you are too proud to allow yourself to be corrected, or to learn the topic. Education is a good thing.

One thing you got right though, the Python is a beautiful double action revolver. Speaking as somebody who owns a few, and has owned quite a few.

Don't double down on being wrong. It's ok to be wrong. Learn from it. There are many of us who would be happy to teach you, and we aren't being superior about it. It is genuinely our passion, and we have all taught and passed on our knowledge many times. I'd be happy to take you to the range, where we can use our handguns in Canada, and explain to you as much as you care to learn. TC
My passion is also firearms, rifles, shotguns as well as Bows, please do not tell me that a bow isn't a firearm lol. I can talk circles around most people when it comes to the above.

Like I said I could care less about what type of revolver (because you can't use them in Canada) it was that the moron killed the innocent lady with and also shot the director.

You people sure love to nitpick! Geezeeeee
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