Thread: H1N1 shot
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Gramps.257 View Post
I sure hope those that decided not to go for the shot because they don't trust the medical field will stand by their convictions if they become sick themselves and DON'T see a doctor. I believe if you turn down the flu shot then become sick and seek medical attention you should pay for your medical care out of pocket for your treatment.How much does one flu shot cost compared to the medical treatment costs of one patient ? A few bucks vs tens of thousands of dollars?
I will take my chances with a few side effects before Death every single time.How many inoculations have the average Albertan received by age 50? Did you die from those? Remember those were developed by the same drug companies that you now don't trust.And who's telling us this is bad for us and what real proof have they offered to support these claims?My 95 year old grandmother was telling me other other day that during the polio outbreak there was alot of rumbling that the vaccine would give you polio and some opted out and became crippled or worse. Iron lungs don't sound fun.
My father has been knocked down with this flu for the last 3 weeks and to see that tough old git on his ass like that made me realize that its nothing to mess with. He has never missed a week of work in his life but hasn't been in the office for 3 weeks now.Anything sickness that keeps a workaholic away from work must be bad in my books.
Myself and my family will stick with modern medicine
I firmly believe everyone should be paying for their own medical care, whether or not they took the shot. I stand by my decision -- to not get the shot -- 100%. I got pretty sick, for a week, and since then have felt great.

The difference between Polio and the flu -- we aren't regularly exposed to Polio to build up any sort of immunity. We are, however, regularly exposed to flu's. Perhaps this specific strand is slightly different, but it's still just a flu. We have a certain amount of immunity from being exposed to the flu each year.

I'm, by no means, a doctor and don't expect you to take advice from me, but I could care less what any government agency tells me. I will let my body fight the flu just like it has been doing, without issue, for 26 years ... naturally.

"Here's how you have to figure it in Canada: The NDP are communists, the Liberals are socialists, the Conservatives are liberal, and the media is totally left-wing" -- Don Cherry, March 2005

Originally Posted by lindy rig View Post
... i didnt know if i should shoot, yell, or throw my bow at him and run. ...
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