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Old 01-04-2022, 06:41 PM
ram crazy ram crazy is offline
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Originally Posted by bsmitty27 View Post
I believe he's correct. and hunting shows have done just as much damage, they mark trinkity ****. They promote THINGS
Cell phone trail cams
Long range "hunting" rifle and bow
Magnum everything
Camo everything
Super light everything

The stuff people think they need to go hunting is ridiculous. The only thing they really need they is time in the bush, everyone is so worried about all the other junk, they dont get out and learn anything themselves.

I dont think the issue is that socoal media gets more people in to hunting, I dont even think there are too many hunters. Its the tactics and the reward they promote that is the problem. The reward should be time in the bush.

I guided for white tail and mule Deer years ago and could never understand why a guy who tagged out on the first day would change his flight pack up and be gone that night.
I like antlers too but I love to HUNT

There is only 2 hunting podcasts that I can stomach, they are both traditional hunting podcasts. Im being pushed more and more towards trad hunting. And the trad community one of the best.
My 2c
2x.. You forgot the Ihunter app. Let’s mark where we saw the game!
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