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Old 01-08-2022, 12:26 PM
Mb-MBR Mb-MBR is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,239

This thread got me looking at knives mainly on Gunnutz and I cannot believe the price on some of them.

We had a knife maker in a small town by the name of Niedermeyer, a German fellow whos was a complete gentleman. A fellow archer told me about him 30 years ago or so, I made the call to visit to see some of his knives, arrived about 1:00 p.m on a Saturday. We spent the day and night talking about knives, guns and hunting in his basement.

It was 1:30 a.m before we realized what time it was, I apologized profusely for taking up that much of his time. I ended up buying 2 knives that day and went back subsequent times and bought others but it was mostly to visit.

He was only an hour or so from the city but his wife made me a lunch for the drive home.........wonderful people.
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