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Old 01-10-2022, 02:43 PM
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Dean2 Dean2 is online now
Join Date: Dec 2008
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I love all guns. Have everything from pee shooters to shoulder mounted artillery. 17 to 70 caliber. The variety is what makes it so interesting. I think far too many under estimate what younger shooters can shoot well with a good fitting gun. By the time I was 12 I was shooting a 303 no problem and I was very accurate with it. I was In good shape and had been taught proper shooting form but i was far from a big kid. When I turned 14 I went to a LH Savage in 300WM. It was one of the very first commonly available lh guns and that was the cartridge that was available. It took no time at all to get used to that gun. Between 14 and 18 I wore out 2 of those and was working on my third when Remington brought out the 700 BDL in LH, and that was a much more refined gun than the early Savage 110 Cs, so switched to the 7 rem mag and shot that cartridge for many years, along with a raft of other ones. At 15 I was shooting skeet competitively In all 4 gauges. 100 rounds of 12 gauge was a normal day shoot.

Most young shooters react to the noise more than even the recoil. A set of ear plugs under the muffs helps with that a lot.
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