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Old 01-25-2022, 09:40 AM
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Phil McCracken Phil McCracken is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Rocky Mtn House,AB
Posts: 2,246

Originally Posted by Gboe8 View Post
What’s wrong with road hunting he never shot from the truck from what I seen? How would looking at an animal in a field before sunrise be against the law? I think pretty well every one on this forum would have broken that law? I know I have spotted a lot of game walking to my spot in the morning that I later shot at legal shooting time. You seem to have a pretty big hate on for this guy? Sounds like you should have been a cop or fish cop to catch these criminals!
Because of that:

Alberta Wildlife Act

o) “hunt” means, subject to subsection (6), with reference to
a subject animal,
(i) shoot at, harass or worry,
(ii) chase, pursue, follow after or on the trail of, search
for, flush, stalk or lie in wait for,
(iii) capture or wilfully injure or kill,
(iv) attempt to capture, injure or kill, or
(v) assist another person to hunt in a manner specified in
subclause (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) while that other person
is so hunting

And no, I do not have a "hate" for this guy.

Simply discussing some observations from an obviously edited video.

All good...
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