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Old 01-26-2022, 08:29 PM
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Coiloil37 Coiloil37 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Oz
Posts: 2,190

I’ve wanted a swordfish since long before I moved here. They’re a bucket list fish for me along with a dogtooth tuna. I had read about daytime deep dropping, bought the gear (less an electric reel) and porter and I had given it a few tries out in ~330m of water last winter.

Couple months ago I went to one of the club monthly meetings. The guest speaker was a long liner named tony. He “accused” the group of only fixating on marlin and informed the club there was a vibrant sword fishery off our coast that NOBODY has exploited. Of the entire group I was the only person in the room who had even tried daytime deep dropping for them.
He discussed techniques and areas and was very specific to start in at least 500m of water. After the presentation I spoke with him and told him what I’ve tried and it sounded like I was on the right track but needed to go deeper.

I planned and still plan to try in the winter as the current slows down and there are more relatively calm days out there.

Regardless, there was at least one person in that room who decided to give it a try and he’s done alright for himself. There certainly are a few swords swimming around out there and I’m looking forward to being able to tangle with the gladiator of the sea this winter.

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