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Old 01-31-2022, 03:08 PM
graybeard graybeard is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 2,161

Originally Posted by spurly View Post
Not bad for the price.
If you have never used a knife with D2 steel I will gladly share my personal experience.

Several years ago, as a gift, a buddy gave me an ENZO Trapper with D2 steel.

He asked me to use it for dressing that seasons animals as far as I could get and only cleaning it in soapy water, and no sharpening it.

That season a buddy and I field dressed two elk and 2 deer with that knife only. There was enough of an edge on the ENZO to still do yet another deer.

All I did at the seasons end was wash it and 20 strops each way and I was able to shave the hair on my arm.

I own a Manly Patriot with D2 steel and so does my son (orange handle) and we love them....
Again it is a personal choice and I am happy with the D2 performance.

Good luck with Clint's knife. He likes to use 3V steel and you will not be disappointed...You will ask yourself "what took me so long", I know I did...?

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to own several knives and experiment with different steel.

Out of everything, I am now down to two fixed blade knives with the flint knapped finished handles:
1. Clint's custom with CMP 3V steel
2. Manly Patriot with D2 steel

Life is like baseball; it is the number of times you reach home safely, that counts.

We have two lives: The life we learn with and the life we live with after that.

Last edited by graybeard; 01-31-2022 at 03:18 PM.
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