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Old 02-24-2022, 10:45 PM
pikeman06 pikeman06 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,614

Well, there's lots of questions that beg to be asked here... 300 ft of ice with your electric auger? 150 holes fished for 10 minutes each is 25 hours. But the big question is why would you openly admit to putting in that amount of time and effort and concede a skunk? To each and their own I guess. There's hydrographic maps and a staggering amount of electronics to put any angler on a fish or two. We used to find a major point or a creek mouth or inlet/outlet on lakes we never fished before long before the electronics came along and we would drill from 5 feet to 25 feet and fish with bait and any small spoon or a white or yellow jig. Always caught fish. My ol man would slap me silly if I came back and told him we drilled 150 holes and caught nothing. Just sayin. Maybe you needed some feedback.
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