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Old 02-28-2022, 11:41 AM
Frank_NK28 Frank_NK28 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 811

About a month ago my wife and I were fishing trout and a truck came across the lake and parked about 300 yards away. A fellow got out and unloaded his gear then grabbed his power auger to cut holes. He had a woman and a kid with him. He starts yankin' and crankin' over that old Jiffy and it won't start. fires for a second several times and quits. I watch and he tops up the gas tank and tried again...nada, nothing! I looked at my wife and said "I'll be back in a couple minutes. I pulled up two lines, grabbed my auger and walked over to see him. I asked if he wanted some holes drilled just point to where he wants them and says this is my first time fishing here so I don't know the lake. I said ok well there is a nice little underwater point that has cabbage weed on it about 15 yards out from your truck and the trout like to cruise that weed line. I drilled him about a dozen holes. He was totally enthralled with my SM40V and asked all about it. I said here try it. He cuts a couple holes and he's sold. I said that enough for you? He says yes and thanks me then asks if I live at such and such an address? I looked at him suspiciously and cautiously..... Yes...he says your my gf's neighbor across the road. I looked at him and only then realized what he looked like. I never saw him face to face before, never once even clicked on who the woman and kid walking around were with him and didn't even recognize his truck! LOL
Next evening there is a knock at my door, I answer the door and he's there and says thanks for yesterday, I really appreciate it. He said he caught two bows and both went 4lbs and were his pb. He tried to hand me a $20 bill for drilling him holes and I said no I didn't do it to get paid....just pay it forward some day to someone you come across who can't get their auger running...
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