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Old 03-01-2022, 07:15 AM
Frank_NK28 Frank_NK28 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 811

Not much you can do. People have to realize nobody has ownership over any spot and all who use the waters are as much entitled to fish any spot they wish as the next person. Nobody also has the right to say how close or how far from each other you need to fish, from a legal standpoint you cannot stop someone from fishing shoulder to shoulder with you. It is only common courtesy that dictates you don't do such a thing. As for holes already made from someone having previously fished there? Use them if that's your wish. Myself I never have, I make my own new ones. I've watched and listened to more guys blow a gasket arguing with some fisherman who was fishing a spot nobody was on when they started the day and suddenly someone shows up invariably claiming that spot was theirs. And you always hear them yelling the same thing. "You couldn't see the holes?!" I've only had a confrontation once many years ago when a fellow got real mad I was fishing next to his shack. I was a good 30 yards away and my furthest line was 20 yards from one of his old holes. He got so mad he jumped in his truck and proceeded to do donuts around my truck and lines. Then he took off back to his hut and did a big donut around his own before losing control and ramming into his shack knocking it off the blocks he had set it on. Him and his wife stood on the ice for a second looking at it then turned and both started screaming at me that it was my fault. It was quite a show and it turned out to be the brother and sister-in law of one of my buddies wive's. She was so ****ed when I was telling them the antics I had met that day while fishing when I stopped on my way home to give them a feed of fish she picked up her cel phone, called her brother and started giving him royal **** for acting like such a douche. Meanwhile my buddy is sitting in his big recliner chair laughing his head off at her chewing out her brother and telling me what a pair of losers the brother and his wife are. He says "oh yeah I can see them doing that, they think they own the lake".
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