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Old 12-06-2009, 10:23 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by npauls View Post
When I was at enchant this summer I was hammering 8-10 inchers on the fly rod. Try heading to the opposite side of the lake from the beach. There was a nice weed bed out there about 15-30 feet off of shore and drill some holes. should hammer some nice fatties around there. I will be out on enchant on christmas eve and possible christmas day and maybe boxing day so if you see a blue clam single man hut stop by and say hi.

I will do that, I only went abut 25 or 30 feet off the parking lot today, not enough ice for me to be brave yet boxing day might be a go for me, too far off to plan yet. I fished your spot this fall a couple times, got good numbers but small, but I was fishing on top with a bobber. still rainbows in there too, at least one more, ones in my fridge right now the other one got beat out by a perch. they seem to like copper wireworms with gulp maggots, the trout.
the road around the pond was drifted in pretty deep, had to lock the hubs just to get past the museum today.

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