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Old 05-23-2022, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by tirebob View Post
I actually agree that these "asking for honey hole" types of threads should go away as a rule, and it is not a rule currently, but do try to understand too that when people dogpile someone, no good comes of it for our community as a whole. You are much better to either fully ignore it and go crickets on the OP than to call them out. Sure some guys should know better, but often some guys really do not. Attacking does not promote our community well in the eyes of the public and make others who lurk not want to participate for fear of looking bad.

I think when you say things like obsessed1 just said, you are far more effective and a better ambassador for our pastimes, even when you are right in being frustrated.

Just my 2 cents...
Maybe mods should discuss making a rule. If you really think that what you are referring to as a dog pile is a bad look for our community then it might be a good time to revisit a new rule.

I think you guys do a great job, but if you are really wanting to be a more welcoming community, you should nuke those threads immediately. There is simply no way that threads like this will ever be well received. Likely nor should they.

Just my two cents.