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Old 08-03-2022, 06:03 PM
Positrac Positrac is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 3,281

I had a Lund SSV-14 with a 30hp 2-stroke oil injected 3-cyl Yammy on it back in the early 90’s. I can attest to what they can do. Spent many days fishing 10km out off the west side of Nootka. I also took it right around Nootka on several occasions. Big water wasn’t an issue for it. Unlike my dad’s Whaler I never took water over the front of it. It was just like a bobber and with more power on it than it was supposed to have I could power up the backside of big rollers without issue. I sold the hull to buy a Lund SSV-16 but despite having more room it didn’t behave as well in big water. The 2’ added length was actually a hinderance. I only had the 16 footer for a year before going to a welded 16’ Silver Streak.

Point of my story; a SSV-14 will take any water a person is likely to see in Alberta and I wouldn’t worry about being caught out in it. Unlike a 28’ Grady you’re not going to stay out and pound out another fish but getting back in won’t be a concern. Small and relatively in comparison cheap is nice and a good way to go sometimes. You can use it when the chance comes up and not feel guilty about having so much money tied up sitting in the driveway if life gets busy and you can’t make the time to go out.
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