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Old 09-10-2022, 10:40 AM
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Camdec Camdec is offline
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Originally Posted by CNP View Post
So you are saying potential Dr's, (nurses?) should get get free education paid for by tax paying Canadians whose average wage is $30 an hour compared to a Dr.'s average salary of $255,000. I've never heard of a Dr. being out of work? It's nice to never have to go to the hospital. I think 100% of us could agree to that. But life doesn't work that way.
No the doctors kid should not get a free education, but if he walks to work should he not have to pay any taxes allotted to road building and highways? The issue from my previous comment was regarding opting out of taxes because we don’t directly utilize the service they do at for. The poster mentioned school taxes because he his single.

Not agreeing with our government spending. It is out of control and way too much “fat” driving up everyone’s taxes.

To get back on topic of the original post I am simply saying that I believe singles have fewer breaks because they have no ability to income split like a senior couple.
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