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Old 10-08-2022, 11:31 AM
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BlackHeart BlackHeart is offline
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At the start of this race, I was hoping Brian Jean was going to win.
BUT.....many times when I seen an official FB post of his, I really started to wonder if he really understood the issues and what Alberta needs.

Some of his statements gave me grave tightening up trespass laws and greatly increasing penalties and prosecution for crown land grazing leases to effectively give complete access control to leaseholder....effectively reaffirming the equivalent of ownership....without consideration for the current abuse of the system that is happening right now. Nowhere in his statement did he mention affirming that rec users also have a right to fairly access that land, that ownership STILL resides with the province and crown.

His comments on healthcare....oh-boy were they uninformed....made me think he had R.Notley’s notes on how to buy union votes.

Got to the point that I started to hope for a D Smith avoid some of B. Jean’s concepts in direction for the province. Started to show just how weak his understanding of complex issues were...and how simple (as in stupid) his replies were.

I believe he talked his way out of the leadership.....but that’s a good exposed why he has lost to J.Kenny and now D. Smith.

My biggest issue with D.Smith was her floor crossing to that liberal Prentice. But I can see what she believed was truth....that Prentice and the Wildrose were going to split the vote and ensure an NDP win.

She listened to the MSM too much.... they were constantly pumping that concept. I do believe that D.Smith and the Wildrose would have gotten a minority govt and with a bunch of PC members in the house had the balance of power.

Last edited by BlackHeart; 10-08-2022 at 11:45 AM.