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Old 12-08-2022, 05:36 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
This reminds me of your metal fish sculptures ...... are you still doing those Wayne?

I love those ..... a true piece of art ....

This would also be pretty cool I think. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
well, I painted a couple of my older ones after my accident. havent really been able to get my head around the steel yet, but its been 3 years so Im going to make the effort now. Starting this wood my hands just took over, my brains really been missing it I know. being an artist and not able to do it can be quite the stress for me at least, that damn third eye needs to be kept open! Smokey I was already thinking of maybe a couple marbles inside, but I think my prototype will be silent til I know whats what. the fins and tail will be adjustable so hopefully without much weight she should confuse the heck out of some hogs. or not, I have fun doing it anyways!
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