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Old 12-16-2022, 09:52 AM
Scott h Scott h is offline
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Originally Posted by Bushleague View Post
Just an update, the weather has warmed up and the pulp mill I work at still can barely run a few hours a day because of power prices. When I asked what the excuse was now I was told "They've started sending power to BC at night."... now why on earth would BC suddenly need power from AB?

If BC cant handle the influx of EV's, no way will Alberta be able to.
BC can easily handle any amount of EV's that show up. The probable reason that they imported power from Alberta was strictly just a trading issue; buy low, sell high. While BC residents, and businesses have guaranteed steady low prices, BC is a massive exporter of power, so an arm of BC Hydro (Powerex) buys and sells power from other jurisdictions. There's every chance that the power purchased from your plant was shunted down to California at 10X's the price paid by BC.
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