Thread: Wow!...
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Old 12-17-2022, 10:14 AM
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Originally Posted by EZM View Post
Britney Griner attempted to smuggle an illegal substance into Russia and got caught. The Biden circus freed her yet left another American prisoner, accused of espionage, behind instead.

To me this was an injustice. If the American was a spy, he served his country honorably and should have been freed first.

That's how I see it. She was smuggling drugs. She broke the law and knew it.

The Biden circus is more interested in headlines and optics instead of doing what is right.
The first time I heard this reported was on K97 -The Terry Evans Show with Pete Potipcoe.
Terry wasn't on that morning but Pete made mention of it.
He followed up by saying how Ted Nugent was basically a "loud mouth has-been" because Ted brought up the lack of success in bringing back former Marine Paul Whelan, but how easy it was to bring back the druggie, and the seriousness of who they gave up for her.

The K97 morning show will never infect my ears again.
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