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Old 12-22-2022, 07:01 AM
Albertajeff Albertajeff is offline
Join Date: Oct 2022
Location: Alberta
Posts: 142

I had same problem and kept freezing garage door down. Problem was no sump. This isn’t code and I didn’t get approval but when I sell its an easy fix. Fill back up with concrete.

Had to be done in summer…I took a masonry blade for my skill saw, set saw at 1/4”, scribed a line 1’ away from wall on low side of garage the full width of garage and went back and forth with skill saw/water hose making cuts side by side totalling 1” wide. Took a hammer and broke out the concrete leaving a 1/4” deep x 1”wide trough. Next along far side of garage at end of trench I set skill saw any full depth and cut out a spot for a sump and broke out with sledge hammer, dug it out as deep as i could and also had to make opening large enough so I could fit, once complete I cribbed it in and poured the sump walls and floor, used some bar grating to make nice cover.

Now the water from vehicle goes in trench and makes its way to sump, stayed away 1’ from garage door to keep water from freezing and damning trench. Made sure to make sump big enough to take water from winter (16”x24”x4’deep) and use a small garden hose pump from peavy mart to suck out in spring.

Major learning is make sure when buying a house or pouring a garage floor is to have contingency for a sump ahead of time!
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