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Old 01-25-2023, 01:23 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by calgarygringo View Post
Thanks bud. That is what happens when you become a senior. Lighter everything becomes so much better.

The little recorder looks interesting. I wonder how much video you can get on the sd cards. You may need a few with you on a busy day.
I put the new videos on my computer when I get home, but even a days worth doesnt even make a dent in a 32 G card. Im quite happy with the recorder so far. One new product I really like is the screw in rod holders I got form TFH they lock in a spinning reel perfectly and you can still use them without the locking if you have a finicky walleye at the bait . nothing fancy gearwise but it works great.
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