Thread: Alberta, USA???
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Old 02-04-2023, 10:02 AM
PartTimeHunter PartTimeHunter is offline
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Originally Posted by Marty S View Post
That sounds all fantasy-ish. The feds would pretend to give us autonomy and then squash us whenever desired in this new age of law/statute/charter re-interpretation.

I do hope all us separatists vote Danielle this time round and give her a chance to do something once her reign is no longer under threat, but if she doesnt deliver, then i will join a good wholesome separatist party.

Are there and good wholesome ones? Just need one… two will not work
Pretty much sums up my thoughts. What some people fail to realize is this is not something that just came up because of happy socks - yes he is pushing it further and accelerating it. I have thought this the way to go for a long time and know several like minded people. If Danielle disappoints then my vote goes for a credible separation party. I don't think Pierre will be able to do anything federally because of having to woo the eastern votes which will lead to a watering down of the agenda supporting the west.
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