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Old 04-05-2023, 01:06 PM
Walleyedude Walleyedude is offline
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Originally Posted by Stinky Buffalo View Post
Interesting... Condemnation, but where are their solutions? Are they offering to personally take these marginalized individuals into their own homes/yards?
I rarely comment on these kinds of posts but this just kinda struck me.

Why are you suggesting there are no solutions being offered? It says right in the article that they’re trying to move these people to more permanent shelters. I’d be willing to bet that addiction counselling and treatment are also available to those seeking it. The tent camps are a choice being made. Should it be a choice?

Is anyone taking you or me into their homes?

To what extent is the public responsible for housing these marginalized people?

To what extent should people be permitted to simply set up residence wherever they choose to? At what point do the laws supersede their desire to live in a tent in the middle of the city?

At what point is it up to the individual to take responsibility for themselves, and their own physical and mental well being and live within the laws of the country?

I’m not claiming I have any or all of the answers, but I’m fairly certain that tent cities are NOT the answer.
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