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Old 04-21-2023, 12:42 PM
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Trochu Trochu is offline
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Originally Posted by Thewildhunt View Post
Hey all - total beginner hunter, just sorting out my options.
Welcome to the forum!

Originally Posted by Thewildhunt View Post
Are there any reasons, provided I can achieve the requisite skill level to shoot accurately with a GSG-16, that I wouldn't be able to hunt rabbits with it in Alberta?
No, you can legally hunt rabbits with a GSG-16.

Now my thoughts on the matter. I bought a STG-44 made by GSG. Likely identical guts in a different package. It worked fine. Would I recommend it, no (unless you're looking for a cool looking spray and pray gun seeing how many times you can kill the pop can, or are a history buff, then it's great). I felt for what it was it was expensive, it was heavy, and it wasn't terribly accurate. If I was to do it over again, I'd consider one of the following:

Browning BL-22:

Definitely more money but more accurate, lighter, and you'll likely be able to sell it for more than you paid for it, if you take care of it, down the road.

Lots of "better" options out there IMO, Ruger 10-22, Savage, CZ, Henry has some nice offerings, etc. that will excel in every metric except maybe looks and cost.
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