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Old 05-04-2023, 06:06 PM
smitty9 smitty9 is offline
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Originally Posted by tallieho View Post
Lannie; Why is it so wrong,to have a handful[1 hand].Of QSF scattered around the prov.It gives fellow fishers ,the op to catch,perhaps there PB. That is not 8-9" long.IMO there should be more...
Agreed Tallieho.

There is nothing wrong with this. But the meat crowd who want to keep 5 stocker trout per day, and then fill their freezer, only to have that ziploc bag of protein suffer massive freezer burn 6-12-24 months later cause they forgot about it...these folks tear their tunics, and pop their carotid arteries because AEP / ACA had the gall to convert one of their beloved lakes to a QSF!!!? It's sad and funny at the same time...

Haven't done the math...what is the ration of QSF lakes to meat lakes? 1:15? 1:25? More??

There are plenty of "family friendly" (This as often used a euphemism for "let's fill the freezer like we did with tiger trout at Black Nugget when their was no limit") trout fisheries. Plenty. Lots of places where you can keep 3 to 5 stockers. Per day. The province does not lack for catch and kill, put and take fisheries.

And then, ironically, the catch and kill crowd want to show up at Muir, and Beaver, now Cow to fill the freezer with what...BIG trout. Too. Damn. Funny.

Meaning what exactly? would appear that there IS a DEMAND for QSF in this province! Yes?

Anyone want to ask Don to remind us how many boats he's counted at Beaver mid-week? How many boats I've counted at Muir?

The demand for opportunities to catch big trout is enormous. There should be way more QSF lakes.

Originally Posted by 59whiskers View Post
All trout lakes that are stocked should be catch and keep fisheries. That could take pressure off native fish in streams on the east slopes. Seen lots of winter kill fish wasted over decades in the spring time on many stocked trout lakes in Alberta.
No, I disagree, I think that is exactly wrong. Total C and K stillwater fisheries in this province will add pressure. Fly fisherman go through stages in life where they want to catch BIG fish. The QSF lakes take pressure OFF our flowing waters by giving fly fishers a chance to catch 4 to 10 pound trout in stillwaters. With the sole exception of bull trout, the chances of catching a trout over 4 pounds in a river is quite small. Bow river is a possible exception of course, though it's having its challenges as well.

We need QSF lakes to decrease pressure off our flowing waters in the Eastern Slopes.

Originally Posted by saddleup View Post
Maybe now they will put it back to the way it was.... a family campground and you can keep what you catch... The trophy boys might have to find another pond to dominate.
^This point of view is exactly why the AEP / ACA have such a tough time. Because people only think of fisheries for themselves, instead of realizing variety and balance is key in serving Alberta's diversity of anglers. S.M.H.

Is it really such a hardship that Police was converted to a QSF? Really?
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