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Old 05-04-2023, 06:57 PM
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hockeynut hockeynut is offline
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Location: Blackfalds, AB
Posts: 193

Originally Posted by KyleSS View Post
I heard a rumor that ACA was trying to take them on for this year to get it going but due to AGLC rules they weren't allowed.

So here we are in May of 2023 with no resident raffle for MSL.
But yet, they have successfully sold all the MSL at auction already.

Will the residents get a raffle this year?
When will it come out if it ever does?
Why can't they run it though Alberta RELM like they do draws?

At this point, even if it does come out, the auction tag buyers already have a 3-4 month head start on procuring resources, research, trip planning, and life planning.

The message is very clear. AEP is quite ok with selling our resources abroad while stiffing the Alberta resident.

If there isn't a Alberta resident raffle, I hope and pray that they shut down the auction tags.
AlbertaRELM would be a great way to do it!
No answers from my MLA.... not holding my breath either as Ron Orr is most likely already considered himself retired as he is not running for re-election.
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