Thread: AB Election
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Old 05-06-2023, 11:26 AM
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pikergolf pikergolf is offline
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Originally Posted by raab View Post
I went into a walk in clinic to see the doctor a couples months ago, and was turned away because it was full. So I went to another one did the same, and it was full. Had to go to 3 walk in clinics to see a doctor. Oh did I mention my family doctor was a month long wait to get in?

Never mind the fact that when I finally saw a doctor, I never got a proper assessment. Just a few quick questions and I was on my way.

We have a health system in Canada, not healthcare. This really ****es me off as someone who used to work in healthcare and has seen the decline. I’m seriously considering paying to go see a physician in the US for a proper health assessment that’s how bad it’s gotten in Canada.

But that’s all besides the point because neither the UCP or NDP want to change the system. Both parties want people to suffer on long waiting lists to protect Canada’s “Golden Calf” socialized government medicine. A system where we all suffer equally and no one can access high quality healthcare.

Any politician who was willing to bring in the Swiss style healthcare would instantly have my vote.
Socialists, "well this time it will turn out different".
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Thomas Sowell