Thread: AB Election
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Old 05-16-2023, 06:39 PM
densa44 densa44 is offline
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Default The latest solution to mental illness and the drug issue

The premier has promised 5, 75 bed locked mental health hospitals for Alberta. It will allow parents and police to forcibly institutionalize people against their will, for their own good!
This will put young people in a locked facility with very dangerous people who have severe mental illness.
The next issue which I don't think that they are aware of is, due to previous cuts we no longer train enough Canadians to provide medical and nursing staff
for these places. They will need to staff 5x75= 375 beds, a very large hospital spread out over 5 cities. The only English speaking countries where you maybe can get Doctors and nurses are in India or Africa. Psychiatry is best served by people who grew up in our society.
This is from a right wing party that used to support personal freedom.
Well for me this is a bridge too far.
"The well meaning have done more damage than all the criminals in the world" Great grand father "Never impute planning where incompetence will predict the phenomenon equally well" Father