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Old 05-20-2023, 04:13 AM
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Coiloil37 Coiloil37 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Oz
Posts: 2,190

Well, time flies doesn’t it. Last break it went from summer to winter pretty well overnight.
Winter brought with it heavy swell and 20-30 knot winds for the entire two weeks I was home. We walk the pooch down around the ocean every morning after we drop the kids off at school and it looked like this

This is from up on the hill

There’s a coast guard down in that pic in a 15ish meter cutter but when he went behind a wave he would disappear.

The water temp cooled down pretty much over night as well. I typically swim every morning with the dog in the river and it went from 27 deg water to 22 deg water within the two weeks. No more intentional swimming for me until next December.

Then I went back to work and the wind continued. I saw one morning at the Noosa bar on YouTube one of the charter boats screwed the timing pretty good. He caught every set. This is about a 10-12 meter cat.

While I was at work the little man got another package from the Australian game fishing association. He got some more swag and the awards.

This break I got home and had to drop the missus at the airport the next morning. Her mom had a stroke and she had to go be with her. So I’m holding down the fort and the wind was bad for the first week plus. Certainly not good enough to take all three of them out fishing. So we went and caught some small crabs for bait.

We filled that red bucket the little man is holding and will use them this winter for tuskies. We use a 12 volt hot glue gun and glue the hook to the shell so they look undamaged but that’s probably on next months agenda.

Then yesterday I went and walked the pooch and saw the wind had laid down

So after I got them from school we went for another walk and yep, wind was good.

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