Thread: Red Dry Wine
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Old 07-02-2023, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by CNP View Post
Yes I am indulging. Watching Red Sox/Paxton roundly defeat the Jays I’m cooking elk steaks and taters over the fire pit. I always come back to my first love when it comes to red wines. I’m onto a bottle of Shiraz right now and although I’m not regretting it, I find it’s lacking. So of these four, what is your go-to dry red wine: Merlot; Shiraz; Malbec; or Pinot Noir. I am limiting discussion to these four. Mine is in there, what is yours?
I've tried some great wines in all of those varietals, but also some really crappy versions of each. For consistency and decent price I'd recommend an Italian Chianti or a Spanish Rioja. Both are grown in very specific regions of Italy and Spain, and all Chiantis include a paper authentication label over the cork. They each have different quality categories and some variation in grapes for the reds, but I can honestly say I've never had a bad bottle of Chianti or Rioja.
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