Thread: Newbie setup
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Old 07-31-2023, 06:15 PM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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On smaller streams figure out where the fish like to hide or feed, get your fly to where they can see it. If they can't see it they can't bite it. Wade slow and quiet, don't tromp and splash around. Wear muted colors that somewhat match the surroundings. If it is sunny out be aware that your shadow suddenly coming over where a fish is laying will spook them even if they don't see you. Be prepared to loose lots of flies, fish like to be where you will get snagged easily like under logs, deadfalls, boulders and under cutbanks where you'll hook up on overhanging branches or tree roots. my rule of thumb on creeks and streams is if your not snagging and loosing flies your not getting those flies into the places where the fish hide.
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