Thread: Lighted nocks
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Old 08-28-2023, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Beached Whale View Post
I had a pretty poor experience with nockturnals as did my friend. I shoot standard diameter shafts and he has something smaller, not too sure on the model though. Of my 3 pack only one nock would actually stay in the arrow when fired, but it would still pop out the back whenever it struck even a soft target. I tried all 3 nocks about 20 arrows of 3 different manufacturers and 2 were loose on evey arrow and the one that was kinda tight still wouldn't hold after a shot. I ended up use fletching glue to hold them in and it worked but for how expensive they are I was severely disapointed. My friend had a similar experience with his nocks and had to glue them in as well.
And before anyone says it yes I know they come in different sizes and yes we had both bought the correct ones.
Saran wrap is an easy fix. Cut a 2x2" square and put it over the Nocturnal and then insert it into the arrow shaft. Then burn off the excess saran wrap with a lighter. This will keep the Nocturnal nice and tight. I found I needed to do this with the universal Nockturnals, more than with the shaft specific ones.

In regards to practice arrows, I just bit the bullet and dedicated 6 Nocturnals to my practice arrows. Sounds expensive, but in the grand scheme of archery gear and hunting, it a fairly cheap option and cost about as much as a half tank of gas.
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