Thread: Dumb question
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Old 09-18-2023, 08:10 PM
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3blade 3blade is offline
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I severely dislike tying to the bend of a hook. Even if it stays attached (it won’t), it seems to tangle much easier. Plus it wrecks the action of your dry. Tie your dropper to your leader.

You pretty much need foam to float a size 14 nymph, or a massive stimulator. If you use something like a EHC you’re gonna be reapplying floatant every 2 casts even with a size 18-20 dropper.

Big yellow foam hoppers are made for this. The real thing does all kinds of weird movements so you can get away with a lot.

Remember that fluorocarbon sinks and mono floats. That does not mean one goes in any particular place, but you can use it to manipulate how your rig is working.
“Nothing is more persistent than a liberal with a dumb idea” - Ebrand
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