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Old 09-21-2023, 08:36 PM
jimmyt jimmyt is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 22

This may no longer be relevant but something to be aware of.

On Sept 14th , 2023 when I arrived at the launch there was a contractor of some type in waders trying to cut a bunch of "felt matting" out from the end of the launch. The launch is made up of a bunch of lets call it large paving stones. Once the paving stones end, they put down rock.

However, before dumping the rock, they layed down what I would describe is a heavy felt matting first, then the rock on top of that.

The contractor explained to me that what was happening is that when people were trailering the boat, the prop wash was washing/pushing away the rock. The matting below it was then floating up to the point where it was getting caught in some peoples motors/props. That was why he was there, to try to fix it.

He believed the problem was they did not put down heavy enough rock and that would have to be fixed at some point. It was unclear exactly why the matting was used, but his assumption was for some erosion or environmental reason.

In general, your trailer tires would always be on the pavers. However, your motor may be over the rocks and matting. I don't have any picture, but since the water is usually very clear at this location, you can see the matting and avoid it. He managed to cut the very large piece out.

On Sept 16th, 2023 I was able to launch and trailer without issue. I just had to be mindful of the matting fabric.

I am not sure if this will be an ongoing problem of the short term here, but its worthwhile to at least be aware of it.
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