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Old 09-30-2023, 12:37 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by honker_clonker View Post
A standard rig for catching whatever is around is a 2 hook chicken rig/pickerel rig/patternoster with some 1/0 octopus hooks and pieces of shrimp/fish as bait with a 1/2 to 1 oz weight. Did this in mexico and caught puffer fish, eels, an octopus, jack crevalle, a small pompano, mystery white fish, lizard fish etc. Just grabbed some shrimp from the buffet and was good to go. If you are not bringing pliers i would recommend making your hooks barbless, even the little guys have intimidating teeth. Once I mashed the barbs I was just using a fork or a chop stick to unhook fish.

You can look up how to tie the patternoster on youtube and just tie up whatever you want in some mono or braid. The fish didnt seem that picky.

Also if you bring some size 8-10 octopus hooks you can catch the little reef fish that swim around the docks. Can use bread or fish as bait.

Lastly if you feel like casting, bring some 1 or 1.5 oz cast masters and fish em around where the waves are breaking or water is hitting the rocks. Skip it across the surface to imitate a fleeing bait fish. We had many needle fish attempt to eat that and some small jacks as well. Seemingly cant reel it fast enough.

Not necessarily location specific info but i've done this is several different tropical places with similar results.
A long piece of cottony silky fibrous material with some silver and blue flash in it can attract needlefish. Don’t need a hook as their teeth get tangled if you have the right stuff.
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Last edited by Sundancefisher; 09-30-2023 at 12:44 PM.
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