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Old 10-10-2023, 04:14 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is online now
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Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams1 View Post
Those who wish to leave Gaza should leave.

Not an option, none of the Arab countries are willing to take them and it's not a democratic society, an enclave run by terrorists. Someone on the news claimed it was the most densely populated place on Earth. Jordan had a large Palestinian population until they tried to take over the country and were expelled forcefully. Lebanon, another crap hole is run by the rival faction Hezbollah.

Take Edmonton, divide the area into 25-30 equal squares. Then take about 2.5 million people and put them in one. Then tell them to evacuate their homes because they are going to be bombed, but they cannot physically leave the square they are in.

I have no idea what the solution is there and not pretending to know.
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