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Old 11-06-2023, 09:42 PM
fishnguy fishnguy is online now
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Originally Posted by Grizzly Adams1 View Post
Hamas runs Gaza as it's private fiefdom, they are the government. Their strategy is integration with civil society, mosques, hospitals and schools double as military facilities. They've resisted any attempts by civilians to evacuate and one of the problems with the evacuation of foreign passport holders to Egypt is Hamas insistence that their "wounded" members be evacuated as well. Both Egypt and Israel nixed that. Maximizing civilian casualties is in Hamas interest and since they run the health service along with everything else, the figures given are highly suspect. It's urban warfare with no way around victimizing civilians and Israel is fighting for it's existence. There's a lot of naivety about warfare out there, where is the outrage that Hamas shows a total lack of morality, by hiding behind women and children ? That's a war crime in itself.

No doubt and all understandable, Grizz. The fact remains though. Slaughtering civvies by thousands in just a couple of weeks is no bueno though, regardless of who those civvies are and who is performing the slaughter. So far this is unravelling as I expected, unfortunately. I also said I didn’t know what the solution is and I still don’t. I do know, however, which I think I also already said, this is just a breeding machine for many more radicals who are more radicalized, be it Hamas or a group of the same imbeciles with another name a decade or two down the road.

This is bound to continue regardless how you look at it. Israel will never go for one state because they will never give these people equal rights, given they settle down to begin with and, supposedly, accept such a possibility. They’ll outnumber the Jews in no time, if not right away (no idea how many of Palestinians are there in the two regions). So that’s not even a possibility to begin with.

Israel will never allow for a two state solution either because they will never give the Palestinians their full freedom in a full sense of the word. For example, they’ll never let them control the territorial waters. Neither they will let them control their own territory to the extent that they use it and let anyone else use it as they see fit.

I also do not believe that they are fighting for their survival here: Hamas is not s threat to Israeli statehood. It is to their citizens, but definitely not a statehood, not even close. Independent Palestine certainly would have that potential though, which is why they will never let it happen (clearly, it would be foolish of them to allow that). It certainly nice to lay it that way though, fighting for survival.

So what to do? Who the hell knows!
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