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Old 11-07-2023, 12:14 AM
fishnguy fishnguy is offline
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^ I said before I won’t respond to you anymore (in another thread), but I will make an exception.

When they say that Gaza population is nearly 50% (42%? 47%? Whatever it is, I posted the stat before in this thread) children, what do you think it means when they talk about civilian casualties in Gaza? Trust me, I am not missing any huge difference. Neither am I watching Hamas videos, like I said. When Kirby said today that there are many thousands of civilians that have been killed and more injured (though they cannot confirm the numbers provided by Palestinians, duh). Guess what that means: yes, that means that thousands of those killed were children. This math is not hard at all. I understand they aren’t white enough and live in the wrong place of the world for some to care, but the fact remains.

I posted way in the beginning of this thread that Hamas massacred civilians, while it would be hard for Israel avoid collateral damage. That was a response to Grizz when he said that neither side cares for collateral damage. This is the post:

Now, when we are 3 or whatever weeks into it, can you provide a number of Hamas combatants that have been killed by the Israeli strikes that killed thousands of civilians, including thousands of children? This would now be the stat provided by the White House during today’s briefing (note, they likely have no clue how many people were actually killed, but are pressured by the world to make (weird) statements), not Health Authorities of Gaza that are controlled by Hamas. I do not believe any such stat has been (or will be) released and I also do not believe they killed anywhere near the number of Hamas combatants to consider these civilians to be collateral damage (they will never be able to justify the means if they release the actual number, which I am sure they do not have either). So Grizz was right, but I felt like the correction was obligatory at the time and was only fair to amplify what Hamas has done. Sure, they took out some civilian infrastructure that was also used by Hamas, as well as some infrastructure that only served military purposes (perhaps), but does that qualify to justify for thousands of civilian casualties? The answer here is pretty clear and that is why some in the world are outraged.

That is also why the US is in a big pickle here. They are basically preaching the opposite of what they are preaching in regards to the Russia-Ukraine war (where they play along with the fiddle of “indiscriminate” killings of civilians). Yet, the civilian casualties are likely mounting up here faster than the number of soldiers and civilians killed in Ukraine on both sides during the same, if not much longer, period of time. However, what do they do? That is right, they ask for explanation of strikes on refugee camps, while sending $320 million worth of precision bombs to continue such strikes. This is nothing new though, just usually it doesn’t happen at the same time.

You also do not see in the news that Israel has been completely isolated by the world after the UN vote on Gaza resolution, the vote almost identical to the resolution on Ukraine. All I see now is that these resolutions do not matter because they aren’t binding. This is not to say that Israel (or Hamas, but they aren’t a country or a government of a country) ever cared about the Security Council resolutions that are binding by international law. And so on.

So, what is going to happen now is Israel is likely to continue because they think they do not have a choice and are doing the right thing (this may be true, but not necessarily), mostly vengeance and “serving a lesson” though, while being increasingly opposed by the rest of the world (hated by some, also increasingly), while antisemitism will exponentially grow worldwide, and Palestinian civvies will get killed in tens of thousands. Many/most/all Arab nations will cut ties with Israel and have huge grudges with the US (throwing the world a couple/few decades back as far as international relations and peace in the middle east are concerned). China and Iran are winning big time. Russia is benefiting via loss of interest and available military assistance and overall weakening support for Ukraine (which was already happening, but this accelerates it significantly). The world is looking down at the US as hypocrites, further reducing support for Ukraine, especially among those countries that were “sitting on the fence” to begin with. And so on.

I think I said here before, Hamas (or more generally radicals) are winning this thing regardless of what happens; even if Hamas disappears as a result of this war, which is highly unlikely, in my opinion.

I guess it’s another day on planet Earth, lol. What are ya gonna do though.
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