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Old 11-14-2023, 10:54 AM
-JR- -JR- is offline
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Originally Posted by kronk View Post
Backstrap McTasty Bites:

You will need:

Soy sauce,
A deer,
A knife,

-Cut the deer backstraps into slices about 1'' thick.

-Wrap 'em in bacon, but only one wrap.

-Pin ends of the pig gold with a toothpick.

-Stabby, stabby. Stab them bites.

-Soak them bad boys in the soysauce overnight, or the better part of the day, or for a couple hours, or for a little while... It really doesn't matter... just soak them lumps up.

-BBQ the pig/deer lovechilds at about 200 until the bacon is crispy.

-Eat them (You may feel a slight twitch in your pants)

I made these the other day . Also included some mushrooms between the long wooden sticks .Just unreal . Seems like the meat just pulls in the bacon fat into the meat . Trick is not to over BBQ maybe around 155 F max on the inside
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