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Old 12-24-2023, 02:43 PM
Prairiekid Prairiekid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Rocky Mountains
Posts: 514
Default New broadhead/arrow setup

I was thinking that over this winter I would take the time to research a possible new arrow set up. This fall I was able to take a whitetail buck and cow elk with my bow, I hope to do a short write up later but in the meantime would like to research some of the arrow options.

My bow is set at 62lbs and my draw is approximately 28.5". This season I used some random Rage mechanical broad head, they performed well but actually bent a little bit on impact and I want to switch to fixed blade anyways. I use Goldtip XT 400 arrow shafts (not sure on diameter). I also use Nockturnal nocks.

I have been looking at Iron Will broadheads and the feedback seems very positive. Of course at that price point you would hope to get a quality product.

You maybe able to tell but I haven't spent much time on the specifics of my set up, but rather focused on practicing and then getting close when hunting. My shots this season were 12 yards on the buck and 25 on the elk. I had a complete pass through on the buck but on the elk it seemed I got full penetration and then the arrow eventually backed its way out with blood on the fletching. Both animals were recovered quickly.

I'm thinking of maybe switching to 150gr IW single bevel. Does that mean I need to use helical vanes? I looked at arrow saws and vane jigs. Are they worth it for someone like myself who shoots a 2-3 times a week when I can and once a week I when I get busy? or is it better to just get them built up. I do like to tinker and reload for my hunting rifles, but still shoot less than 100 center fire rounds a year. I thought it might be enjoyable playing a little bit with different fletching/wraps etc but it might not be worth the cost of the equipment.

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