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Old 01-05-2024, 09:38 PM
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AxeMan AxeMan is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
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I have witnessed this fear before:

I get LAPP pension now.
I was a supervisor for a significant portion of my career at a post secondary. I studied the pension system in detail and tracked the changes in detail. It always amazed me how many employees did not understand their pension at all and were too lazy to be interested in their own money. What they were good at was following the Union rhetoric though and being quick to complain if the NDP squealed. When Aimco took over control from the private LAPP investment board, there was panic being led by the NDP. Turned out that Aimco did just as good or better for the fund and at the end of 2022 it was at 128% overfunded. In 2013, it was underfunded at only 85%.
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