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Old 01-05-2024, 09:50 PM
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AxeMan AxeMan is offline
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Originally Posted by roper1 View Post
I've seen something like 30-34 billion quoted, the UCP had their azz roasted at EVERY town hall over the malarkey. Are you comfortable if the number is infinitesimally smaller than they quoted ?

You think provincial Cons have a good track record, Keystone de damned?? Absolutely not trying to be disrespectful, I just can't grasp Albertans acceptance of obviouse hooey.

For the 77th time, I'll state my loud support for an APP, until i started to do some research.

You comfortable with Kenney/Prentiss holding the purse strings, much less Rach? No disrespect intended!
I think most Albertans want accurate numbers and those numbers should be in our hands already. Some other media quote like $30-34 B is meaningless garbage to me right now. The CPP should be able to produce those numbers in under a week. What scares me is Chrystia Freeland running the show and the backroom meetings with the CPP Board. Who do you think ordered up those TV commercials.

And Prentice is dead and Kenney should be behind bars in my opinion.
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