Thread: Fletching jigs
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Old 01-13-2024, 09:35 AM
jcrayford jcrayford is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Usually the office, but the bush when I can
Posts: 1,302

I have the Arizona Ez-Fletch Mini and have used it for years. Can only fletch one arrow at a time, but it's down time usually for me and never in a rush to do 6-12 arrows.

When using it, after a couple of arrows I use my finger nail to scrap off any excess glue that may have migrated over to the mini's arms. While the glue is fresh and not completely set up (less than an hour) it's real easy to scrap these glue fragments off of the arms.

The mini sets my 2.5" (up to 3.5" I believe) fletches at a helical angle. The one thing I've learned over time is to help set the fletches, once the mini is closed and the top cap slid down the arrow shaft over the mini's arms, grab the bottom of the mini and the top cap and give them opposing gentle twists (left/right twists) to help set the fletches and arms to final positions. Set arrow and fletcher standing upright for one minute while consuming a swig of Rum (or your choice of refreshment) then again remove the top cap with another set of gentle left/right twists. Slowly push then bottom of the mini's portion up to release tension on the arms, then gently pull the arms away one at a time from the arrow shaft. Remove arrow and apply a drop of glue to the front leading edge of fletch and that's it - you're done with that shaft.

If you clean and prep the shafts before hand, you won't have an issue with fletching coming off when shooting.

EDIT: I've also used this to replace a fletch when damaged. Set the arrow in the mini, close 2 arms on the existing fletches to align properly for the third/missing fletch and repeat the above instructions for the third fletch.

My $0.02.... Please feel free to take my comments with a grain of salt
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