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Old 01-31-2024, 07:35 AM
SouthWestRanger SouthWestRanger is offline
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 357

I only have pointing dogs but they are strong water retrievers so I try and take advantage of warm September weather with a few pond and water hunts which they love. As a result almost 100% of my duck hunting is over water, Alberta gets a lot of attention for field ducks but our water hunts are underrated. Especially when it’s hard to find good water. It’s nice as well because I can carry way less and focus on 2-3 dozen floaters (usually 2/3 mallards and 1/3 teal or wigeon depending on time of year) and then I’ll run a pair of Mojos. These fit in two decoy bags and if I’m alone I can carry both(1 on front 1 on back) and focus on being mobile and picking the best spot. Give it a shot, it’s a whole lot of fun.
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