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Old 02-21-2024, 07:38 PM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf View Post
8ushrat, I agree BC fires are more in mountain terrain, however it is much harder to get access for cats and fly water bombers in the mountains.
The point I am making in Alberta we now let fires "RIP" and they burn for 50 miles instead of tackling them when they are small.
Funny how when they happen in BC in similar geography to Alberta like the Donny Creek fire north of FSJ they 'Rip' just like they do/did in Alberta. Their supposed 'superior' wildfire fighting capabilities apparently weren't anymore effective than Albertas. We could have 5 times the firefighting capability and it wouldn't make much difference when conditions are right for a 'ripper'.
You can't stop a mad Grizzly even if you had 5 pellet guns instead of just one.

With a lot of these fires when conditions are right like last year, they would have to be stopped in the first few minutes before they get out of control sometimes almost immediately and there is no stopping them. We simply don't have enough fire fighters even if we increased numbers and equipment 5 fold to hang out on every quarter section in case a fire breaks out to jump on it immediately and extinguish it before it gets away.
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