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Old 02-22-2024, 05:28 PM
Pekan Pekan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Calgary
Posts: 821
Default Do all the druggies need a swift kick in the behind rather than help injecting their drugs?

This has been bothering me more and more. The druggies, the tents, the thieves, the idea that we're supposed to do everything in the government's power to keep people from killing themselves, when they seem hell bent on it.

Seems to me the world would rather molly coddle these bums. Maybe we should take a firm approach? Like charge them with a crime and put them in jail. Or maybe don't help them use drugs! It just boggles the mind that this is even a thing.
Maybe a little personal accountability is needed. Maybe some tough love sort of approach.

I don't know, but what we're doing isn't working, and the rest of us are trying to live in a pleasant place, but we're letting a minority of people slowly wreck everything.
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