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Old 03-01-2024, 06:56 PM
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Big Lou Big Lou is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: AB
Posts: 823

I was out this morning in the wind. It wasn’t happening. Went home to pout and had a nap. Wish I hadn’t napped because when I woke, the wind had died off considerably and it felt very coyote ish when I poked my head out the door. I had time for a quick set close to home. I hunt deer here and had been getting trail cam pics of coyotes close to this spot in the evenings. Set up right on the tree line with my entire downwind side open for shot opportunity. I was just playing distress as I figured they might be hungry after being hunkered down all day in the thick stuff. Caller was only 14 yards away. I could hear Magpies cackling and crooning at something around 10minutes in. The bush is so thick, you can’t see very far at all though. So I started with some mouse distress. I heard the sound of something hard on plastic and to my surprise, saw a coyote stretched out vertical jumping up and biting my speaker in the tree! It retreated 10’ or so and then came again and did the same thing. It was wild! It retreated and then started coming in with its belly on the ground looking up at the speaker. I couldn’t stand it any longer and gave it a facial with the shotty while it was right under the speaker, ready to attack once more. Absolutely, one of the more cool things I’ve experienced calling. Another Bitch down.

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