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Old 03-20-2024, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by tool View Post
We just got back from Puerto Vallarta/ Bucerias from an all inclusive. It was a little more than last year but not wild.
We paid about $3,600 for two flights and everything from Calgary for 7 nights.

Definitely noticed the difference in the exchange on any shopping trip or side venture, prices very similar to home.

The peso is nearly twice as strong as it was a while ago.

Lots of Mexicans in the resort on holidays, they are definitely growing their economic power.
We were there around valentines day. I watch the exchange rate & buy way before the trip when Pesos are down.We still got deals on stuff. some had gone up but what hasnt? Been a while since last trip so expected it. Went to the states for 5 days last july & talking to friends i will take p.v. any time thank you.U.s has gone crazy for prices . A cab in P.V costs us $7 almost everywhere we go. Have been to the same resort 6 or 7 times so you learn all the tricks.Paid $270 canadian for four hours of fishing & brought back 20lbs of bonnito & dorado!Left a bunch there as well.To each their own. IMO Mexico is still by far the best bang for a buck.

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