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Old 03-24-2024, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck View Post
And China and India build more and more coal fired power plants every day.

Gee Justin, your Carbon Tax is really showing results!!!

This!!! And, just to add insult to injury, 36 million metric tons (according to government of canukistan website), of coal depart Vancouver B.C. canukistan every year, the vast majority headed for China!! When this coal arrives it is dumped into furnaces at those power plants and burned with ZERO attempt to capture or scrub the emissions! Further, I guess the orcas off the B.C. coast know the difference between tankers and coal ships because there is no mention of coal ships bothering them. Also, there is no outcry about the fact we supply coal, but no chance we can supply Germany or Japan with much cleaner burning natural gas!! Brilliance at its finest!!!
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